Optimize your Cellular Energy by Depleting Deuterium

Reduce Deuterium Interference by Drinking Litewater Daily

Optimize your Cellular Energy by Depleting Deuterium

Reduce Deuterium Interference by Drinking Litewater Daily

Optimize your Cellular Energy by Depleting Deuterium

Reduce Deuterium Interference by Drinking Litewater Daily

Optimize your Cellular Energy by Depleting Deuterium

Reduce Deuterium Interference by Drinking Litewater Daily

  • What is Litewater?

    Litewater is the most deuterium depleted water (DDW) that exists. A lower concentration of deuterium compared to all other drinking water makes it the purest water in the world!

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  • Subscribe & Save

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  • 3-Month Mito Reset

    Get a complete Litewater starter kit to Deuterium Depletion and to reset your mitochondria.

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  • Benefits

    Drinking Litewater deuterium depleted water allows you to lower your body's deuterium levels at your own pace and maintain the easiest most powerful anti-aging strategy that exists.

  • Science

    From the first published study on deuterium depleted water in 1961 to the 2007 discovery of just how deuterium damages mitochondria, the geroprotective benefits of being deuterium depleted are clear.

  • Recommended Use

    To deplete deuterium it is generally recognized that 45-90 days on Litewater is needed. Watch this 1 minute video. Answer these questions and find the strategy right for you. Click Here.

  • A Brief History of Deuterium Depleted Water

    The story of the greatest discovery in biology and breakthrough for longevity and human health.  

    Read More
  • Test Your Levels ~ Deuterium Saliva Test

    Find out your baseline of deuterium, then test after 2-3 months of depletion to check results. Know your level of this key biomarker of health and aging.

    Test NOW!
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Find out how much Litewater you need.

Most people need 2 cases or more per month for a successful depletion of the body’s deuterium. Let’s find out how much deuterium depleted water you need to get the best utility and value from a depletion protocol?

How much liquid do you typically consume per day?

This includes all water, tea, coffee, juices, soups and other beverages.

Pick Your Desired Dilution




Quinton® Hypertonic Minerals

The Periodic Table of Elements in one sachet
Achieve optimal balance with Quintessential 3.3 Hypertonic Elixir. This premium seawater supplement contains naturally occurring electrolytes and bio-available trace minerals to complement Litewater for a complete hydration solution.

Add one (1) sachet to each liter of diluted DDW you have prepared or simply drink it straight.

2 Boxes of 30 10mL sachets: $94.00 ( / )

Frequently Asked Questions

What is deuterium?

Watch this Quick Explainer Video First. Deuterium is one of the three forms (called isotopes) of the first element, hydrogen. The first hydrogen isotope is named ‘protium’ (the most abundant by far and the lightest), consisting of a proton and an electron. Protium is commonly expressed by the symbol '1H’. The second isotope is named ‘deuterium’ (much less abundant than protium but twice as heavy due to the addition of a neutron). Deuterium is commonly expressed by the symbol ‘D’ or ‘ 2H’. The most important fact to know is that in nature, both protium and deuterium combine with oxygen to form water molecules.


Protium - 99.98% (by number)
Deuterium - 0.0156% (by number)
On our planet, for every 1,000,000 atoms of Hydrogen there are about 150 atoms of deuterium, (150 ppm)*.

*‘Parts-per-million’ means ‘out of a million’. It is commonly used to describe the concentration of something in a solution of water. One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of water.

What is deuterium depleted water?

What we commonly refer to as water, consume every day, use to prepare foods and beverages, irrigate our lawns, wash our clothes and put out fires, is more complex in its composition than is indicated by the popular chemical formula “H2O”. Chemically speaking, natural water predominantly consists of three molecules: H2O, HDO and D2O, and if you consider all the isotopes of oxygen and the various configurations, there are really 63 different types of water molecules known, in approximately the following ratios.

Deuterium depleted water (DDW), also referred to as light water is a term given to a unique composition of water in which the natural deuterium content is at least 15% less than 155 ppm, which the the deuterium content of the ocean and the highest level present in the natural waters on Earth. In a 1 Liter bottle of regular water there is about 6 drops of heavy water a.k.a, HDO.

Why Remove Deuterium?

Scientists, studying the cause of aging, discovered that even when a small amount of Deuterium containing Heavy Water is removed from normal water, the benefits are profound. Excess deuterium interferes in all biological process and is known to damage the mitochondria over time. Drinking deuterium depleted water allows you to reduce your total body burden of deuterium.

A few drops of heavy water in every glass of water we drink doesn't seem like much, but the cumulative effect is eye-opening, we have four times more deuterium in our blood than the most essential nutrients and minerals we require to live while deuterium slows down all reactions upto 9 times (9x)! This is known as the Kinetic Isotope Effect.

In 2007 it was published for the first time exactly how deuterium damages our ATP Synthase Nanomotors, recognized most beautiful nanomachine in nature, and the one responsible for producing ATP, (Adenosine-triphosphate) the molecule that produces the energy we need to live and breathe.

What is litewater?

Litewater is our brand of deuterium-depleted water (DDW). It is water which has a lower concentration of deuterium than occurs naturally. Daily consumption of Litewater eliminates deuterium interference. Litewater has a 94-97% lower concentration of deuterium than regular water. Litewater is the most deuterium depleted water in the world which makes it ideal to be dilute with regular water from 1 to 4 times to obtain between 80 ppm -122 ppm deuterium depleted water. More value, less carbon footprint.

See Litewater Dilution Chart.

Why is Litewater so expensive?
Removing deuterium, which cannot be done by any standard filtration, either distillation or reverse-osmosis is a complex energy intensive and time consuming process that must be done on an industrial scale. Our production is based on a method known as Low-Temperature Vacuum Rectification which imitates and amplifies the natural condensation, precipitation, and evaporation cycles of mother nature with better efficiency to remove up to 97% of the deuterium in water. The caveat is it takes specialized columns between upto sixty feet high to make it work, so a special facility was built. Only a few facilities exist in the world that produce deuterium depleted water on a commercial scale, in Russia, where it all started, Romania, Hungary, and a few Asian countries.

Where is Litewater produced?
Litewater is produced in our facility in a remote area of Russia called Tambov. Tambov oblast (state) is unique because the entire state is organic certified, a designated chemical and GMO-free green zone. Water is obtained from a natural artesian well, purified by membrane technology and then processed using the method described above to separate the deuterium and using our proprietary technology Litewater 5 & 10 ppm are created. It is analyzed and verified for purity then bottled at the source and shipped to North America and other global locations.

How is Litewater different than other brands of deuterium depleted water?
We offer the lowest available concentration of deuterium (most depleted) in the world. Litewater is in a category below 25 ppm which is often referred to as ‘super light’. We offer the lowest deuterium water in the world in plastic and glass.

How do I know Litewater is truly deuterium depleted to 5 & 10 ppm?
Every batch is tested before bottling and we guarantee accuracy to within ±3 ppm. We use the world’s most advanced stable isotope testing equipment known as fourth-generation cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) for unsurpassed precision and high accuracy. We test at both of our facilities in Russia and the U.S. and also verify our results with an independent 3rd party lab. Click here for a lab report.

Does deuterium depleted water exist in nature?

There is no ‘perfect” 100% deuterium depleted water with 0 ppm deuterium in nature. All natural water contains different concentrations of deuterium. The’ lightest’ water on Earth, formed as a result of natural meteorological processes, is the snow and ice in Antarctica, which is approximately 89 ppm, the closest to the water inside our cells which is 40-60 ppm.

Unfortunately, as perfect as this water would be to drink, its remote inaccessibility keeps it from being used as a water resource. Deuterium depleted water may only be obtained in large quantities by artificial means. Litewater Scientific processed ‘light water’ water far surpasses Antarctic water in purity.

Is litewater safe for everyone?

Yes, deuterium depleted water can be used like any other drinking water for daily use with no age restrictions. Nevertheless, always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding the introduction of anything new to your diet.

I’ve been using Litewater for about a half year now. I’m going to keep using it. It's cheaper than going to the doctor continuously and getting no results. At 66 I’m feeling much healthier than my past 8 years. I’ve got better energy with much less aches and pains.

~ David W.

Litewater is essential for me in healing and maintaining my body and for improving my immune system. I have seen my labs and overall energy improve significantly since using it. As a Health Coach, I help others incorporate Litwater into their protocols and approach, especailly when they are experiencing challenges with dehydration.

~ Meghan O.

There is no doubt in my mind that this water works incredibly well. I higly recommend Litewater!

~ Gregory C.

Litewater is a leader in DDW products. The quality and packaging are excellent, and the subscription service makes it easy to always have Litewater on hand.

~ Brian S.

Ever since the birth of our two kids (3 years and 3 months) my wife has struggled with not having energy to do basic household tasks. We've noticed a significant boost in her energy level since she started drinking Litewater two months ago. I'm very eager to share my enthusiasm about this product and deuterium depleted water in general. A secret that unlocks health like this is too good to keep to ourselves!

~ Matthew D.

The company makes awesome products. I really like having the option to purchase in glass bottles. Customer service is great too. The partnership with Hydroshot is nice too since DDW is used to make it.

~ Michael S.

I have struggled with food intolerances for years and upon using Litewater, I was able to add more foods into my diet. I'm such a big fan of deuterium depletion!

~ Miranda H.

From my personal experience, your water is the closest thing to holy water.

~ Ervin

Litewater seems to be an amazing biophysics insight! ...and it seems very worth a try...to get some of the aging sands out of the mitochondrial gears…what a harmonic taste, this water. Thank you for your research in this matter and for going to all the efforts to help make such investigations even possible.

~ Bill

I’m enjoying increased energy and better sleep. Thanks for a great product.

~ Richard

I have been using Litewater for several months and have noticed an increase in overall energy and morning HRV values. I trust the science and research and will continue using Litewater for years to come.

~ Philip H

My neighbor is suffering from multiple health problems so I recommended Litewater to her.
She immediately ordered some and is reporting great feedback.

~ Mike